
Grafton Showgrounds Prince Street, Grafton, NSW, Australia


Grafton Showgrounds Prince Street, Grafton, NSW, Australia

Scentwork Trial: March

Camp Eagle Eye Glenreagh 2080 The Orara Way, Glenreagh, NSW, Australia

Judges: Donna Puttock, Stephanie Yoon, Yvonne Handy and Tracie Donnelly


Grafton Showgrounds Prince Street, Grafton, NSW, Australia


Grafton Showgrounds Prince Street, Grafton, NSW, Australia

Tracking Trial – April

Baryulgil Campdraft Grounds 4742 Clarence Way, Fine Flower, NSW, Australia

Judges: Jan Becquet, Marion Leaver and Karan Griffiths New Camping Location: Camping will be at "Baryulgil Campdraft Grounds" (See Below) Tracking will be at Fine Flower, Col and Lenda Gillett's  property plus a new location at Gordonbrook Station Fine Flower. More Details: To Be Advised