Rally Obedience Training


Rally Obedience is a fun form of obedience (a bit like a cross between obedience and agility). Grafton Dog Obedience Club holds a Triple Obedience Trial once per year and the details are available in the Events Calendar.

A rally course is set out with numbered signs including a Start and Finish. Like agility, competitors have the opportunity to walk the course to become familiar with it before competing. Participants then navigate the course by following the numbers and carrying out the exercise indicated on the sign positioned at each number, with dogs working in the “Heel” position between exercises.

At Novice level, dogs work on lead and unless indicated otherwise by a sign, handlers and dogs work at “Normal” pace. Each exercise is usually carried out in front of or to the left of the sign.

Unlike obedience, where competitors wait for direction from the judge before performing an exercise, in Rally-O competitors run the course on their own (much like agility).  Again like agility, in Rally-O handlers are also encouraged to talk to and encourage their dog as they make their way around the course.

Here are some sample Rally-O signs:

RallyOSampleSign1 RallyOSampleSign2 RallyOSampleSign3

Rally-O is an official competition with four levels of competition starting with Novice, then Advanced, Excellent and finally Master.

The following titles able to be earned: Rally Novice (RN); Rally Advanced (RA); Rally Excellent (RE); Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE); Rally Master (RM) and finally Rally Obedience Champion (RO Ch).
In addition to our normal obedience classes, our club runs regular Rally-O classes. Our club has enthusiastically embraced Rally-O as a sport and many of our members have earned titles in Rally-O.

RallyOPicture1.1 RallyOPicture2.1 RallyOPicture3.1

Members who have graduated from Basic Manners and Basic Obedience are eligible to join in the Rally class.